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Weston Turville C.E. School became Voluntary Aided (VA) school in January 2003.  This means that the governing body has some extra responsibilities compared to local authority maintained schools, in return for increased flexibility in determining how to develop the school.  School governors are responsible for the strategic development and direction of the school as well as being the employer of all staff and being responsible for the school buildings.  The governing body at Weston Turville strives to be as effective as possible, acting as a 'critical friend' and working in a close, supportive way with the Headteacher and school staff.

“The governing body is very involved in the life of the school. Governors ensure that they are highly visible to parents and have a strong presence at all school events. They noted the accuracy of the school’s self-evaluation and monitor how this leads to improvements. They are not complacent, and invest a lot of their time in training for their roles. They meet regularly with the governing bodies of other local schools in order to share good practice. They analyse data, and are very aware of your school development plan and priority areas. In particular, they note that writing is still an area of divide between boys and girls. Governors have encouraged you to work to provide different styles of lessons, for instance by using outside learning to engage boys more with writing.”                                                          Ofsted 2018