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Personal, Social, Health & Economic Education (PSHE)

PSHE Curriculum Intent at Weston Turville CE School
At Weston Turville CE School, we are committed to equipping our pupils with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes, values, and skills they need to thrive as individuals and contribute meaningfully within their communities. Through our PSHE curriculum, pupils are encouraged to engage in a variety of activities and experiences that enable them to develop their sense of self-worth, collaborate effectively with others, and take increasing responsibility for their own learning.

We aim to nurture reflective learners who can draw on their experiences to grow personally and socially, addressing the spiritual, moral, social, and cultural challenges they encounter as they mature. Our curriculum supports pupils in understanding and respecting diversity and differences, fostering their ability to build effective, fulfilling relationships that are essential for life and learning.

At Weston Turville CE School, we deliver Personal, Social, Health, and Economic (PSHE) education, including Relationships Education, through three key themes:

  • Health and Wellbeing
  • Relationships
  • Living in the Wider World

These themes align with statutory guidance from the Department for Education and underpin our school’s core Christian values. Our PSHE curriculum supports pupils in staying healthy and safe, preparing them for the opportunities and responsibilities of adult life, and enabling them to achieve their full academic potential.

Curriculum Implementation at Weston Turville CE School

  • PSHE lessons are timetabled for one hour per week, which may be delivered in a single session or split into shorter segments to suit the needs of the class.
  • Our whole-school assemblies incorporate PSHE themes, reinforcing key messages and linking them to our Christian values.
  • Teachers deliver the PSHE curriculum using the high-quality resources and guidance from the PSHE Association. This includes their comprehensive programme of study and ‘programme builders,’ which ensure coverage of statutory requirements while allowing flexibility for our school context.
  • Resources and teaching strategies are adapted to meet the diverse needs of all pupils, including those with SEND, using tools such as storybooks or small group discussions to support differentiated learning.

We also prioritise teacher confidence and preparedness in delivering sensitive or complex topics. Membership in the PSHE Association provides our staff with access to up-to-date guidance, a network of practitioners for idea sharing, and direct support from subject experts. This ensures that teaching remains objective and professional, rooted in evidence-based practices.

Our PSHE provision reflects the statutory framework established in September 2020 under the Children and Social Work Act 2017, including:

  • Relationships Education for Key Stages 1 and 2.
  • Health Education across all primary phases.


Our pupils leave school with a good understanding of how to stay safe, how to be healthy and how to develop positive relationships. Our pupils are well-behaved, polite and respectful members of the school community who try hard to model our key school values: kindness, positivity, perseverance, compassion, respect and community spirit. They understand what it means to belong to a multicultural and diverse society.

For further details about our PSHE programme of study and model lesson plans, please see the attachments below.